
I bought one, its excellent. No problems.

Would you expect to see a black guy with a white iPad. didn't think so.

they actually specifically said during the keynote "it's not a case— it's a cover." But whatever.

@Snes: or floor...

@Joe Geronimo: Well, I think it will have its uses. For example, a district manager was at our movie theater and took pictures with his camera, sent it to his iPad, and showed it to corporate. Cut out the middle man?

"artifact" not "artefact"

@battra92: since about 5 years ago at least.

@registeraccount21: ha! you are wrong, I can save a whole $11 on an iPod Nano! who's laughing now?

@Etarip: well this at least...

Step 1: drop cookie into milk.

@Stem_Sell: Magical, Beautiful, Flawless, Stunning, Lovely, Revolutionary, iDunk.

@devianaut: he didnt say his comment was art, though. just sayin'.

ha! bears can't use facebook. this is nonsense.

@macpatrik: I thought the same thing until I got my EVO, it's actually really cool to have

@Gilliam: pocky + salsa = rough night.

@Clashwerk: and chop stickachos for our friends in the east.