
It looks kind of like the Incredible and the Aria mixed together.

@InsaneJester17: It's nice but at the rate that Android is updating this thing will be out of date in January! Crazyyy haha. And I love me some new electronics, so hopefully EVO can keep up until my contract ends. It's going great so far. lol

@InsaneJester17: Hey, If it is working for you that's great. The Super AMOLEDs are really nice. I just have some bottled-up anger towards Samsung and the 3 fail-phones i got from them. Using the EVO now, and never looking back!

Great, now I have to wait even longer to sit through a three hour update to support content that I do not need. Well my day is ruined now...

@ddhboy: took the words right out of my mouth..

@hostile-17: Feelin the same way here. Every time I give them another chance they throw it back in my face. HTC all the way now..

At the rate that they are shelling these updates out, I sure hope they have a plan for what happens after Z.

@That-One-Person: Well that seems like the easy alternative to what I was doing. If I didn't like the app I purchased, I would just throw my iPhone out and get a new one.

@ddhboy: I agree. Ping only opened once for me, as well. It just says "Session Timed Out" when I click it now.

I'll stick to just doing the bunny ears like they did in the old days. Thanks, though.

@Architectin: It is already giving me problems, I have to agree to the same user agreement every time i try to open it.

@drewheyman: where I work it is $9.25 matinee and $11.25 evening

@archercc: well, they don't really show anyone touching it in any of the pictures. Just pointing. But yea, I doubt if that thing could handle even the slightest poke.

I heard that something like this would be the new iPod Shuffle. I doubt they would downgrade the iPod Nano next gen.

Im diggin IE's little walker in the picture

@KaosTheoryx: I thought you said that you had never heard of Oprah for a second.

@mikehtiger: I think that's his leg.. like he is straddling the globe.

@jackmon: If Apple made it, I am sure it would be a lot less ugly, too.