What. The. Fuck. Is. This.
What. The. Fuck. Is. This.
Sure! We can get creative all day! How about a supercharged Jaguar V6! Nearly identical as original power (380 vs 385) budget F-Type!- https://www.ebay.com/i/272877164531?chn=ps or https://parts.jaguarpalmbeach.com/p/Jaguar__F-Type/Engine-engine-complete-assembly-engine-short-block-short-block/53709117/AJ812891.html?pa…
But seriously though, if you don’t care about fancy schmacy so-called “heritage” and “pedigree” an ls swap would make this a ~$25,000 car which is totally reasonable. NP
On a long enough time line everything will be BROWN
My 2016 Impreza was built in Japan, Indiana’s plant only does Outback and Legacy I think
Ok so then why do regular Subaru without turbos and high compression still have head gasket issues? I don’t think the problem is simply the engines not being able to handle the boost
Go watch the lawnmower episode
And Porsche attracts the dentists
I’m going to just leave this here... Honda Ridgeline doing the same test with a bed liner and coming out fine:
The 2016 Impreza’s CVT is damn good and the 2017 one is supposed to be even better
When Toyota travels, he always stays in Holiday Inn because why pay more for a place you’re only going to sleep at?
80% charge/30 minutes does in no way equal 100% fuel/3 minutes
Don’t forget about the 2017 Impreza everybody! Wednesday at 12:20!
Thanks Obama, no really, thanks
And the 30 min figure is to 80% power, which means that if you start charging it at 0 percent charge, it’ll have a range of 216(.8*270) miles after 30 minutes of charging and subsequently less every time.