
How about as an employer I’m not interested in your personal choices. Pregnancy is a choice. I wasn’t there when the sex took place. I didn’t benefit from the orgasm, and I don’t want to pay, ‘cause you decided to be a Mom.

My wife and I love our kid, but our experience is basically what you’ve described. We wouldn’t trade him for anything because we love him, but life is like 75% abject misery now. We are always sick. We are always tired. We never go out. We never have friends over. Let me tell you about how I spent my day two days ago.

You said she’s only 18, right? So presumably a lot of her values and beliefs are still intertwined pretty closely with how she was raised/the people she was (or is still) surrounded by, and probably a religious background given the anti-choice thing.

She’s young? When I was her age I was pretty anti-abortion. I wasn’t forceful with it or anything I just thought it was wrong and used the stupid “it shouldn’t be used for birth control” arguments and such. Mainly because that’s all I heard down here in Texas. I was also pretty uptight about sex (boy if you knew me