
I had a Honda with a reserve that was worthless. One time I was going down a highway and it started to cut so I switched to reserve. I got about another 5 miles and it was dry (well before any gas station in the country). The only time I ever ran out of gas on a bike. after that, I only rode it down to about half a

Maybe that driver is Buddhist.

Maybe the driver is Buddhist.

The Shake luuuuuves his luxury image.

I don’t know how old you are, but in the 70's and 80's hijacking was rampant with multiple per year on average. That has greatly decreased and TSA is no-doubt a major factor since the appearance of American flight hijacking is substantially less the years before 2001 (non-existent now).

I know man. I am in need or non-normal doors so bad that I am ALMOST willing to get a 'lambo door' kit for my mustang. Fortunately, I just cannot have function over form in this single matter. I just...can't.

I agree. One problem we still have in the way of this is the different physical fitness standards between women and men in the military. They need a single standard if they are going to hold both sexes accountable with access to the same roles.

That VW assaulted those guys with a deadly weapon. They were just defending themselves. How were they to know that the VW drivers wasn't going to finish the job now that their vehicle was disabled, effectively disarming them. eh. eh?

so you can help out your buddies in their firey lambos.

Definitely happened to me since I was first driving R/T, Tiburon GT, Mustang. Some people are just dumb.

If You Need A Hand, Ask For It...

Come on, man. This is a T-Top. A Targa is different, both legally and in actual manufacture and use.

no. removing the luggage rack was insane. There is only a tiny bit of behind the seat storage bins.

The skills other true and it Serena like the cyclist did an awful lot towards earning a beating, based on the story. Others have done more over less and been found justified.

WHoa, hey man, look twice!

Ohhhhhhhh! New York, ya-burnt!

“If the President Crosses against the light, it isn't illegal." - R. Nixon

Don’t forget that firing your weapon is a deadly force usage. The police 9mm sidearm is not a versatile tool. It's not made for disabling vehicle tires, or shooting guns out of hands or shooting fleeing criminals in the legs. It is fired when a cop feels that it is necessary to use force on a level that will

Maybe they are just trying to be the only cops who don't shoot people. Ironically, this would have been pretty justified.

My plan as well. However, now it looks like they may discontinue it to live on in spirit in the G. In that case, it may hold high price as rare. LAME!