
I'm gonna use that. I like it.

Nice! If you end up needing any advice on setup, optimization, etc. Shout out. I handle that stuff all the time. Alternatively, Use CNET dot com. They have a good setup guide to get the most out of your TV. For God's sake, just don't leave it in Demo or Vivid mode. trust me. Usethe warmest color set and that will be

Crap, now 2005 called and want that joke back, as well. lots of time travel comedy cops on the beat.

IIRC Buick average buyer age has been falling for a few years. - And they can't get up!

sounds like driving around with a grenade attached to your keyring... A hard stop and it comes loose from the pin. tic tic tic

SWIM was in an accident yesterday and had to take a beautiful Mustang to the shop to get poked and prodded. On the bright side, a random Black Chevy helped ensure the driver was not attempting to make it a hit and run. In an alternate universe, SWIM chased the car through a twisty neighborhood, barely keeping it in my

pull up the stats, man. I'm not saying it doesn't have its merits, but you're delusional if you think the majority (or even a large minority) of iPhone sales are to people who understand, beyond a tutorial user level, anything about their product or the competition's.

I like your articles and you sound like one of the good ones. Maybe the legal landscape is different in TN. Here it seems that maybe lawyers have enough business that they can readily turn away a tough or less profitable case.

All I know is that I am an educated person with world experience and an above average intellect and I have had to deal with legal proceedings 3 times personally and once on behalf of my parents. Each time, it was very time consuming to find a lawyer that was willing to deal with the type of case and they ALL wanted

Good advice, but I doubt a person reduced to BHPH lots can afford a lawyer or can even navigate the world wearing waters to track down a lawyer specializing in this area and willing to take the case.

and duct tape is an eggcorn for duck tape. Super fun!!!

You're not impressed? Let me check with the owner and see if he as any fucks for you... He said, "none."

Most people don’t look at the Italian makes as DD, this they let certain things go

Higher DURABILITY for higher quality feel

I think it is people stressing the chord while plugged in (tug too far in hand, drop on floor). The main issue is how soft the rubber of the chord is. Feel an iChord and then go find a USB and other chords. The USB etc. is much stiffer. Granted, the iChord feels higher quality, but that is a trade for durability that

TL;DR - Price is an important factor to many.

Apple is the manufacturer. Android is the OS. Within manufacturers, ports have been pretty standard. Though, I do not think Apple changed their ports too often (as some here do). I worry for other reasons.

I want the 4C as my next car (and DD) when my current is long in the tooth. The only thing that concerns me was the fixed seat. I'd just have to test drive it first to make sure it fits. However, by the time my current car is old, they should have depreciated quite a bit. maybe I can just have a mechanic stick a

Whaddaya talking ‘bout. DeMuro just poked his head out to back up. That looks fine to me as long as there aren't any low flying planes around.

I agree with Carrus Optimus. This is a really well laid out bit of investigative/summary journalism. I would love to see more of this when a situation calls for it (even things like new car generation releases). Thanks. THIS is why I love Gawker Media for my news. Other click-bait stuff,,, not so much. ^_*