
Oh, dear God in heaven, when they start in on Wall Street. The Times will have include a sexual harrassment magazine with the Sunday edition. You’d have to be a New Yorker to realize how instantly despicable so many of those guys are. Their very existence is a form of harrassment, and that comes across when they’re

Well. I can’t think of a single worst thing on this planet to be right now than Kevin Spacey. Nothing even approaches the disgust and loathing he deservedly must feel.

There are too many shows on TV. Too many shows! Who can watch all of these shows? I can’t watch all of these shows.

that you have a responsibility to carry out what you said in the campaign. That’s pretty much as much of a reason as the substance of the bill.

Let’s get ready to Kinjaaaaaaaaaaaa!

I don’t think Donald Trump really is a Nazi, in the same way and for the same basic reasons I don’t think he’s

Having never played Magic: The Gathering, the only part I understand is the word “kitty”

For folks questioning “How the heck does this work?”

Saheeli Rai and Kitty are on the battlefield at the same time

Thank you! “Boycott United” is like saying “drive from NYC to DC but don’t take 95"

Sort of, yeah! Except you don’t have to wash off tornado or worry about the tornado on your clothing giving you radiation sickness.

This is some petty shit and I am living for it.

Maybe, but I think it’s more likely that people are fed up because the show just cannot seem to be consistenly interesting. That’s part of why I stopped watching after last season. The Glenn dumpster fiasco was the tipping point for me, it was lazy writing, and a cheap gimmick cliff-hanger for the midseason finale.

The Walking Dead: Negan & The Bear.

If you go back to the original, you were almost expected to play with henchmen — it was practically the only use for Charisma in the LBBs. That made it easy to have an entire party ready to go, even if it was just you and your friend playing 1-on-1 after school.

This reminds me of when I was a kid and I would create pen-and-paper games for my younger brother. They would almost always be adaptations of other games (like a Final Fantasy game, or a Dragon Ball Z game, or even, once, a Rainbow 6 game). They tended to be pretty close to dumbed down D&D games (since I was an


Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.

Finish their business in the region and leave it a flaming wreck where not two stones stand upon each other, 80% of the population has perished, and not a single gold piece can be found within six miles.

meanwhile in my basement where i played with my college friends

@capnrob: So was Malory's work a reboot, or more of a "reimagining"? Or maybe he considered his work to the "Ultimate" King Arthur continuity.