If you want to help him the artist, buy copies of his two books — Mom’s Cancer and Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow. Last I checked, there were still a few left over on Amazon.
If you want to help him the artist, buy copies of his two books — Mom’s Cancer and Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow. Last I checked, there were still a few left over on Amazon.
I’m out. (Stacks chips, walks away)
Don’t let my enthusiasm for this oversell you on it, but I thought it was the best trilogy I’d read since Lord of the Rings. And no, not exaggerating.
That said, “vague as hell” is as good as any way to describe this beautiful tapestry of English and environmentalism.
In a short answer: yes.
I was excited until I saw the release date — the ass end of February is where the studio buries movies they really really don’t understand or like
I am still shocked that no one — NO ONE — at Fox thought to reboot FF a la “X-Men First Class” and set the damn thing where it belonged: in the early 1960s. It would have been faithful to the original, could have utilized the comic book colors without appearing anachronistic, and would have tapped into the love for…
So... If Jon dies fighting the undead next season, would that make him —Edgar Wight?
Oof-dah, that’s a gonna be a bit awkward when Jon brings his new girlfriend around to meet the fam.
Holy Shaka, when the Wall fell!
Got it — thanks! Did not remember the other way was blocked. I recalled only that The Twins were “the only way to cross.”
Can someone answer me a similar question? Every time I look at map of Westros, I can’t figure out why The Twins are remotely important to the story— much less why Rob Stark would consider making a strategic alliance with the Freys to use them?
It’s stated the bridge “needed” to move armies across the river ... but the…
The got them through the chain mail
I would happily watch an entire season of Bronn & Tyrion sitting in a brothel shooting the shit. No battles, not machinations, no nothing but them drinking and solving the problems of the world. It would be glorious
Seriously, how could you forget Howard the Duck? Nobody puts Howard in the corner!
No, seriously: after 80 crappy minutes, when it looked like the filmmakers might be gearing up for a big finish, I turned to my friend and said “finally, this stupid movie is getting into gear.” And with the word “gear” still hanging in the air, they cut to credits. You should have heard us swearing.
Oh no — **I** remember Skyline. Skyline was the movie that killed my love of bad movies, it was that bad. Skyline is the only movie I know of that simply CUTS OFF and runs PREPRODUCTION ART for its f***ing finale. Not even Plan 9 from Outer Space can make that claim.
Are we sure he wasn’t hit first with a mullet?
And I would like to relive my adolescence why?
You do not introduce a direwolf into the 1st act if it doesn’t bite someone’s head off in the 3rd.
If anyone is still confused on what Area X and Southern Reach were about, this new interview with Jeff Vandermeer on On The Media provides amazing context— if not from a literary point of view, from its ecological source: