
I counted at least five "Fuck yeah!" moments — that makes this movie an Ace.

[record scratch] whaaaaa??

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." — The X-Files

Taking bets as to what year someone writes "Why The Singularity’s Vision of the Future is Out of Date" ... anyone?

Blueberry cruller, got it.


Just so. "A Portrait of the Artist as an Asshole" might be an appropriate title.

This line of thinking isn't that surprising, considering a central tenant of teaching and creating art is "you have to learn the rules in order to break them." Breaking rules, in fact, is pretty much the history of art in the 20th century.

Pretty good, if the turtles were on their backs ... come to think of it, upside down turtles would explain a lot about this universe.

New Coke? ... last time I flew on Pan-Am to stay at Howard Johnson's. :)

Don't you mean "+1 spin" ?

Intelligent Encyclopedia = IE = Internet Explorer ... close enough

Like we need another reason to loathe Wikipedia — but I'll happily add it to the pile.

Don't blame them — blame Stanley Kubrick and Ridley Scott. Any company whose logo showed in "2001" and "Blade Runner" are dead dead dead

In all fairness to Wolverine, Gerber's Teething Biscuits are rather bitchin'

Agreed. Sometimes coloring in a whole picture ruins it. Worf's one-off aside was not only shorter and funnier, it was the more creative solution (and a hellava lot cheaper to shoot than a two-part episode no doubt).

We shall speak of it no more!

Also, in scenes filmed later in the 1st season when the two lead characters are arguing, it's hard not to notice THEY AREN'T ACTING. Landau and Bain don't hold back a lot of emotion when yelling at each other in these episodes.

I also like the narrative tension the writers have created between the possibility one or both worlds are dreams, and that both worlds are real, and he's a Schrodinger's Cop existing in both.