
Well what if it isn't a cosmic collective — that there is only one single soul going thru each life, and starting over again. It would explain deja-vu, past lives, etc. Explains all those crazy people who think they were Marie Antoinette: we were ALL Marie Antoinette.

I've long wondered if there is only one soul, living through each life in its entirety, and that the collective total is what could be considered God.

Fame waxes and wanes. Relatively stable media at least gives creators the potential of being rediscovered at a later date.

In a way, we already know. A couple commenters brought up King Arthur, but let's not forget Robin Hood, the first true fictional character in pop culture. In both cases, these characters and their stories have been told, retold, mixed, mashed up, remixed, reimagined and rebooted every few generations for almost 1,000

I wish Wizards well and will follow along in interest, but there is no reason for me ever to buy another version. In addition to my own D&D stuff, I was bequeathed my brother's Little Brown Books and the collections of 2 other friends, with more potential left in them then I'll use in this lifetime.

Is that a +5 Turkey Sandwich or a Turkey Sandwich feat?

You had me at Fred Willard

(Shhhhhhh — you'll spook the markets.)

Can't believe you didn't include Stephen Baxter's "The Time Ships," the official sequel to H.G. Wells "The Time Machine." Not only did Baxter have the BIG BRASS BALLS to write a sequel to The Time Machine (a sequel that doesn't suck, I might add), but the middle part of the novel takes place during a never-ending

First! .... wait, hold on. Damn TARDIS dropped me into next week instead of last

I believe you're thinking of "The Timesweepers" by Keith Laumer. It's quite a rip-roaring yarn, as they would have said back in the Old Era.

You are correct, sir. Star Trek: Phase II was supposed to be the flagship show of — stop me if you've heard this one before — the new Paramount network.

For far better uses of closed timelike curves, check out the various early books by Stephen Baxter — specifically "Ring", where the massive rotating cylinder as time machine is a major plot device, and "Timelike Infinity", which uses the idea of transporting an open wormhole to create a time tunnel into the past.

Good timing, io9 — turns out this Saturday is Home Movie Day in more than 60 locations worldwide. Bring in your old movies, project them for the amusement of others AND (in certain places) get them digitalized on DVD for posterity:

Glad to see my brother and I weren't the only one who did this. Our dad gave us his old 8mm camera in 1975, and we immediately launched into shooting pixilation — as it was called then — recruiting other neighborhood kids for animated silliness such as driving along the street without a car (a shot inspired by a

The finale will show that the entire 50-year run of Doctor Who takes place in the mind of the goldfish moments before it is eaten by Gibbis.

Yes, but who actually coined the 'Grandfather Paradox'?

So — Heinlein foresaw Lady GaGa?

So... this is the Michael Paré of stars?

So... this is the Michael Paré of stars?