Complete with Oriental carpeting and a White Russian beverage holder.
Pick-pocketing has an animation? What madness is this?
Insinuating that Its a bargain bin game to begin with? I can understand some of the independent game sales, but then people start expecting to get AAA games for pennies. I don't mind them offering game for that low especially if its a game I haven't gotten around to buying yet, but when people start expecting games to…
+ 5 billion for Godspeed you Black Emperor sound track.
After watching the show so much, I subconsciously started assuming the word after Adventure was always Time, which made the article strange.
Coming from the "it's completely serious" angle, I think that most people could agree that the game has reached "it was his sled" status, along with a certain character dying in FFVII. Everybody already knows that Sheik is Zelda, for example, through a late-arrival spoiler.
This is why, when I play games, I only resort to a walkthrough if I'm absolutely stumped. Turn-based fights are supposed to be battles of wits. If you find yourself following instructions to take on a game that requires little to no timing and/or reflexes and depends almost completely on strategy, you might wanna…
bro, it's a joke. don't have to whip your 2 inches out
One of my favorite bands, period. Wouldn't mind seeing some Explosions In The Sky and Godspeed You! Black Emperor on here.
Yeah, let's keep it friendly in here... lest some editor on Jezebel get wind of these comments and brand every auto enthusiast a phallo-centrist tool of the patriarchy.
I understand. We all form our opinions based on the information we have. But you know what? If you like it and want it, I am not the guy to tell someone not to buy it. I am the guy to share my views from my experience though. I will say it is a shockingly fast vehicle. You really don't realize how fast you are going.…
But you really couldn't daily drive it. The suspension is so hard you would be better off being dragged behind it in a metal sled. It is that uncomfortable. And if you want a performance car with 2+2ish seating, get a 911 turbo s. Much more character than a GTR and wayyyy more comfortable to drive on roads where most…
ahhh, :( is the fast car too rough on your tooshie? My grandma says the same thing.
Safe and legal speeds, of course. It's not like a dirty hooning Jalop would exploit the 552hp twin turbo V8 on the streets. You would never.
This video needs more horses.
Series fan since TES3. I approach these games like a series of thick fantasy novels I can read by myself by a fireplace on a cold day. What tangible benefit would someone like me have in paying an additional monthly fee for something I (currently) feel is best done alone? Like if you told me the next Steven Erikson…