
That's exactly what I thought. A beautiful song nonetheless.

"On Her Majesty's Secret Service" is easily one of the top 5 best Bond films. Lazenby would have grown into the role quite nicely.

Not one mention of the drug lab inferno the next day? You'd think it would come up in conversation when Nazi Grandfather arrived.

"Better Call Saul" is a prequel and a spinoff. And a dessert topping. And a floor wax.

Keira Knightly and Anne Hathaway.

Sarah Jessica Parker and the star of "War Horse."

Rachel Adams and Jessica McNamee ("Sirens" on USA).

Trying way too hard. It's like he's acting in a different show.

In the sense of seeing more scenes with her in them. What other sense did you think I might have meant by "more"?

Agreed. I love that secretary. I hope we get to see more of her.

I thought Pazzi was the gut-wrenching twist.

But I'm pretty sure he told Pazzi he was tempted to take a bite out of him, perhaps foreshadowing the face eating.

Wouldn't major acting talents be punching BELOW their weight?

I couldn't agree more.

Mediation not meditation.

I used to be a big fan of Coke but grudgingly switched to Diet when it came out to avoid so much sugar. When Coke Zero came out I tried it. It really did taste like regular Coke. And I hated it. For me, it's Diet Coke. Just For The Taste of It.

Because they know OJ's on the case!

Oh, you said Magic deck.

Windsor is southeast, south and southwest of Detroit. Like Sarah Palin and Russia, I can see Windsor out my front door. Which faces southeast.

Is it just me or does Kal Penn look like he's wearing a fat suit?