
Angel Dust is one of my personal top 10 rock albums of all time. Some of that is nostalgia for my early high school years when it came out, but even when I listen today, it's still a great album, way ahead of its time. FNM was always just experimental enough to be interesting without going full avant-garde or

Yeah, that's terrible and all, but there's something out there that's far worse for native bird populations all over the United States and the world:

Eleven birds killed in the month of the report. The American Bird Conservancy estimates that 300 million to 1 billion birds die each year from collisions with glass on buildings, from skyscrapers to homes. Just in the US. So let's keep it in perspective.

Third world:

Can I cut it in half and get just the OT for 10k?

Are you one to see the glass as 2/4ths full, or 8/16ths emtpy?

Sigh. You guys don't really 'get' the Malaise Era, do you.

Immortality is a selfish discovery. We would still be an anthropocentric civilization. Isolated assholes living forever can't compete against alien contact, which has much greater implications to civilizations. It's incomparable in the grand scheme of things.

Is abandoning your Porsche a thing people do in the UK?

In this humble commenter's view this was the best racing series America has ever produced. It got the balance between stock appearance and competitive parity just right.

The government spends with absolutely no regard to income, so what's the point.

Oh how I miss pop-up headlights...