
Hmm, this was Warner with two completely different unconnected universes that crapped all over each other...

Wait, the apprentice who doesn't exist in the films and the resurrected villain from Phantom Menace whose torso was stitched to a spider, was quality entertainment?

Catch it on RLM's "Best of the Worst"

DC vs Marvel crossover, that's the holy grail, they could milk that for a decade. Supes vs Hulk, Bats vs Cap...

Now playing

A simple quid-pro-quo would suffice. Trade appearances by Spidey/X-Men/FF in the MCU for cameos in the other films. Unite the universes with some simple reciprocity.

Any character Linda Hamilton can play — so then we can collect all the Sarah Connors.

THX 1138 was his student film (a very blatant ripoff of Huxley's Brave New World). He re-shot it post graduation with Robert DuVall. The main character's name is THX 1138, or "Thex"... In a world where sex and natural reproduction are forbidden, and people are assigned numeric names as identities.

Some day, I can only dream they will top this

Granted, and I wouldn't be shocked when/if they pull the plug. But until then, I can stream without having to re-rent or pay monthly fees like Netflix.

Or, alternately, when will Linda Hamilton join the cast of GoT?

They already proved that in T3. Two reboots ago.

I'm a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told that she's here, could I see her please?

When does you think man will walk on the sun? Couldn't they go in the winter when the sun is colder?

Not like online streaming isn't encrypted, or that other formats (DVD and HD-DVD) didn't have encryption.

Re: "Those were never big companies". No, but they were bought by big companies, for the purpose of killing the services. Simplify was bought by Google and killed; AudioGalaxy was bought by DropBox and killed.

I understand it perfectly. I'm no streaming Luddite.

Hmm, I use AnyDVD to rip (removing the encryption) so I never noticed.

For years I just ignored the digital download codes. I started ripping DVDs and Blus to a media server. Then eventually I got a car with an entertainment system that could take video from an iPhone and put it on the car screen, so I started playing with phone streaming, starting with live TV by a Sling Box.

Well, ILM did the effects for both anyway...