
You would prefer, say, Man of Steel, where Superman is unrelatable and lets people die by the millions?

Well, in the Matrix, Zion was like 80% black with some Polynesians thrown in.

Tyler Perry's Magdea in Space

Hey, in the OT films I can count a few female characters. Leia, Mon Mothra, and, um....

It's all about the aluminium?

The Japanese used to be accused of merely copying European, and to a lesser degree, American designs. They used to make cheap, knock-off products of questionable quality.

And "stylish". If they have to tell you it's stylish, it isn't.

"is Land Rover the only brand that can really build a tough-truckish luxury sport utility vehicle?"

Not so much ousted... As the money came pouring in pre-Warner, he let money go to his head, had coke-fueled parties, affairs, etc, and withdrew from life at Atari, was hardly ever there... Plus at this time he was more interested in his side adventures with what became Chuck E. Cheese. By the time Warner came into

Now Spielberg has to go back and replace the machine guns with walkie talkies.

In 1982 DOS didn't exist yet. It was still MS BASIC and Multiplan. Paul Allen was still there. Heck they might have still been in Albequerque, NM, not in Redmond.

Wait a minute, where was this landfill again?

Come on, the biggest disappointment had to be Pac Man — the Phantom Menace of video games. Never has something been so widely anticipated and been such a gigantic letdown.

How about those blinking ghosts and Pac Man's mouth never facing up or down?

Took me a couple reads to get what you were doing. I was thinking of this:

Yeah I think the cardboard boxes in my basement have fared worse. Western landfill = time capsule.

Bushnell was long out of the picture by that point.

I highly recommend you read this book (Atari Inc - Business is Fun). Sadly Bushnell was a gigantic douche coke head who was more interested with Chuck E Cheese.


apparently yes

Yeah but mud clogs up the radiator and brakes. Still gotta wash, even if only in strategic locations.

Who is Lincoln?

"As Travis mentioned in yesterday's Morning Shift, Chinese automakers are consolidating and scrapping some of their brands on the heels of buyers opting for Audis, BMWs and Nissans over their home market brands. The Wall Street Journal talked to several young Beijingers about what cars they want to buy, and none of