
Sooo close.... and yet so vomit inducingly horrible. Chill out, beard boy

Now playing

5:00 for the setup, 18:46, for the payoff.

Can anybody name a video game movie that wasn't utter crap?

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude

I'm sure we've all seen in our lives people consuming ludicrous amounts of Diet Coke, et al, who believe it's OK "because it's diet". These same people tend to become obese and develop diabetes, or on the other end hypoglycemic.

Was gonna get wound up, but Cockatiel!

So wait, are those eyes on the underside? What about the eyes on the top side? Me confused.

If you can't picture Lisa as "liberal douche" just watch the Simpsons Movie, that alone... And how long ago did she declare herself a buddhist?

#2 - Gasp, it's <insert celebrity name here>

Yes, yes, I know about the Unix family tree, the split between Bell Labs/AT&T's branch and Berkeley's fork. For expediency I just lump them all together in light conversation.

Looks like you could fit an iPad in that enormous dead space in the center console ;)

And the only good version of Linux is Mac OS

And threepio, the effeminite butler

Udder disappointment.

Without a locking diff: one wheel spins. It's like a limited slip on crack; limited slips, as the name implies, allow a little bit of wheel slip before locking the two wheels on an axle together.

Blanda Oddity

Was his voice autotuned? If not, it was (a) spliced together incredibly and (b) Brian Williams has absolutely no variance in his tones.

God I hate CNet car reviews. Utter trendy douchebags.

The Bill of Rights speaks of freedom of assembly (to protest the government) and freedom of association.