
Everything will be remade. Star Wars will be remade. It's just a matter of time.

There is a natural, built-in aversion to touching a beloved franchise. They're remaking WHAT?

Music to crash your car to...

How will it fare in the Clarkson-press-your-fingers-on-the-rear-panel test?!?

The accident seems to have dislodged the gauge pod, it's missing. Oh there it is in the center of the dashboard.

Can't wait to see how bugs takes care of Missouri

Howard's learned to bury the hatchet.

My favorite era of the show was when Billy and Fred would gang up on Jackie. Dueling lunch whistles.

The banter is great.

Due.... due...

The piece that grabs me about the physics of the big bang is that the universe mathematically had to expand faster than the speed of light — which is supposed to be impossible.

Two headed dragon, could be Terrorcons, could be Megs (although there was a Cybertronian tank blasting prime in the back in the trailer).

How bad is it when we're pining for the good old days of Shia LeBouf.

Sure they do. Well, the "giant" and "dinosaur" bits...

It's based on toys and cartoons — of course at its heart it's going to be a dumb movie about robots punching each other.

The problem is, it can be done better than how it is under the direction Bay. There was a point where James Cameron was attached. The Marvel comics were thought out. Even the TV show had its

I'll take the Cyanide pill

It's been long enough. Sequel trilogy.

We're also mostly bald and couldn't afford Astons.

Frenchmen played by Brits, eh?

Good old blue collar, underdog Maserati.