
In the commentary for Batman Begins he gushes over the scene where Batman throws his Bat-Sonar-Bat-Attractor-thing down the staircase and lands stooped over with the cape flying through the air. CGI shot.

Product, product, product.

Replied to the wrong post, sorry...

Look, it has all the color of a rainbow

Dead man's pants

Hi Porsche and VW fans

I'm 44 and drive-ins are a long distant memory from my childhood. They disappeared a LONG time ago in my world.

All good, Rodgers is a great player, I just got annoyed with the title belt thing (in my book it borders on taunting, and as I said it really really annoys the hell out of me because it's the wrong "sport" and wrestling isn't even a sport) and the total commercial overexposure during the 2011 15-1 season. Eli may

Not in the slightest. Discount double choke ;)

I smell a naming rights deal...

I am very sad that most NFL players don't know the history of the sport. They are not students of the game.

He looks like a chihuahua. And I want to punch him in the face when he does that title belt thing. Wrong sport, a-hole.

The article doesn't seem to mention the immense success in China of GM's near-luxury Buick brand.

I meant this reply in general for the complaints about Audi, et al, but I can apply it specifically to Lexus as well in particular, so thus I replied to you.

So basically Gen Y'ers want bench seats to return? Or the mother-in-law rumble seats?

That must be the same guy who worked at Oldsmobile where 85% of the lineup had "Cutlass" in the name. Cutlass, Cutlass Supreme, Cutlass Sierra, and I'm sure I'm missing one or thirteen more.

Also deserving of mention is the S2000.

The ATS must be an exciting car, because I actually maintained consciousness and a pulse during a Motorweek review. ATS-V, please?

When can I buy one in a road car?

It's PBS — which means we're paying the bills. Or the taxpayers of Maryland are, more accurately.