
Given how much of a paint-by-numbers formula Motor Week has been for as long as I can remember (I started watching in the early 90s), I am amazed by the attempt at humor and telling a story.

Yes, but they are also incredibly wooden (always have been, still are) and they are based in Maryland which is the beginning of the South so they may have thought they were just being characters. They may have innocently been trying to do characters and massively failed.


Steve Jobs viewed cars as appliances. He probably hooned them as well as he felt the rules did not apply to him. From the beginning he parked in handicapped spaces at Apple long before he was sick. Then there was his classic move of not having a license plate — again because the rules did not apply to him. The

It really hurt, too! That's how I got the limp.

I can empathize with your problem and I'll just say in 20 years working + advanced college degrees women are very rare; but I've seen examples of the exact opposite, where a woman uses the fact that she's one in 99; engineering is overwhelmingly male; I can think of a glaring example of a woman who used a little

I have to share; long story.

Sweet wha?

I've noticed this for a while. From my younger brother to a generation of nieces and nephews... My brother only drives out of neccessity, one of my nieces didn't get her license until 25 and even now refuses to drive. But in general both are generally unmotivated overall. Live-in-the-basement-until-I'm-46 types.

Hmm, what's written on the front fender? Looks like "PARK". Definitely 4 letters.

Since the show's off the air now I'm going to forget some examples to bolster my argument, but one episode that stands out is the one where they take the three trucks to Alaska, which was the last episode of S1... Not saying it's pure gold but their banter is more natural now and there have been 3-4 episodes I have

A rough start but they're finding their own stride and their personalities are developing. Most episodes are mediocre but there are a handfull that are truly entertaining.

Coming next week: is my grande mocha chilean bean latte ethical and will gaia stomp on my vagina for getting a gluten-free muffin.

I know plenty of eco-weenies that drive Splatturns.

OR the optimist's headline:

Come on guys, without confirmation from one of your cultivated sources it's more likely competitive analysis, i.e. VW evaluating a Fiat to see how it stacks up against its offerings.

Actually you're being naive. Again the Afghanistan example proves apt.

Perhaps I should have explained my background more. I'm a software architect (computer science). I went to college in the late 1980s and the engineering schools were flooded with foreign students THEN. As I've hit the 20 year mark in my career, I can say with certitude that not only are our engineering schools

It's called cheesy the-audience-is-dumb sound effects application, like the same "whoop" sound in every single karate movie ever made being applied to every single punch/kick.

Yes, people who don't know anything about cars only know you generally only see manuals in sports cars (forgetting about the bottom of the barrel economy cars) and shifting makes you go faster, lol.