
Why are so many people mourning the Acura Civic? It's not an NSX...



So we don't even get to read what she had to say about the Dart? Way to stretch an already thin premise past the breaking point...

Leave Britney alone! Time to buy some mascara and bleach, I guess...

I'm implying that simply sticking around as "an alternative" when they've been bypassed in the marketplace, blindsided by a paradigm shift, is not a good strategy and is only an exercise in slow death. It's a matter of "when" not "if" they pull the plug. Palm would be the relevant example here — once king of the

Well, you could scissor your neck off if you don't duck when you close the door.

Pretty sure that's a Mustang, dude. Or a Lambo.

It didn't work out too well for Palm.

Blackberry/RIM is walking dead.

"I always found the hard plastic wheel on the Big Wheels didn't have enough off-the-line traction."

I know they have a content management system. Can't they just tag it with #Florida and/or have the system check for Florida in the text and automatically add it to the headline?

Ugh, I hate people.

I grew up with the "Big Wheel" trikes — the ones with hard plastic wheels and an e-brake. My Grandpa somehow kept getting new front wheels for me because the plastic "tread" got eaten out rather quickly.

The state really is schizophrenic... The state also has lots of forest and mountains/hills and countryside... I'm an hour from NYC but I have an apple orchard around the block and lots of family farms (although they are disappearing to condos). I love getting lost on a Saturday afternoon finding the winding back

Mmmm, Maui's got 4 different great roads, all different (Maui's landscape is a microcosm of the planet).

The Moon shall rise again!

Some beautiful mountain roads 10 minutes out of West Point (did a Supercar tour there).

I interned in Boca Raton for a year and made several trips to Miami, traffic always got bad going into the city. Years later I returned to do a shuttle launch and drive the keys and yup, massive jam at Miami getting into Key Largo.