
They brought back Thrawn... gimme back Kyle Kataarn!

Huge games still spend millions on traditional commercials. Shifting some of those dollars to the largest streamers is likely more effective ROI advertising. Seems like smart business!

It’s by talking to the Drifter, after you’ve finished his quest line with the initial gambit prime and the reckoning missions.

I love this and its potential. I truly sat at this screen for a while last night. All the time I‘ve invested in this game and world made this decision feel weighty.

Thanks! I’ve been meaning to buy some the past few days :)

Thanks! I’ve been meaning to buy some the past few days :)

My problem is exactly what you described... the game has only been out for a couple weeks, so we don’t know really what is going to be good over the next couple of months, as the game evolves, etc. That is particularly acute for us who played D1 religiously.

This is my preferred game experience too, especially at the end of a long day. Just want the long calm of looting, guessing the circle, finding good cover, and fighting it out with strategic planning.

And hey... if you want a high octane start to a match, just drop into Pochinki, School or Military Base, and have it

These games are a ton of fun. Kinda how much fun I am having with Mass Effect Andromeda right now. I log in, play through a good portion of the story and then just take off and help people/save people/unlock stuff. And then after a couple hours, just close it up... knowing I have a short, reliable, good time waiting

I think this is an oft-ignored dynamic. I feel like I branch out a ton on the musical front because I am able to go deeper into albums, as well as try a lot of new music because of how much time I have to listen to music during my work day.

Love this. Keep up the good work man!

Thank God for this thread of comments. It brings me back to have a comment debate on a Lost mystery. It warms my heart! Seriously a good way to start the day haha.

I snatched it upon vinyl one time when I saw it in a goodwill. I was so giddy! I still play it sometimes in the morning as I get ready.

I cut my teeth on internet multiplayer in the MSN Gaming Zone dogfighting other players for unending hours.

This is a pretty standard calculation for a metric called “Fully Burdened Cost of an Employee” which you can google if you care to. Essentially, $10-15k is a good cost estimation per month of the total cost to have an employee on staff at a company. It includes that employee’s share of rent, utilities, healthcare,

I’m just looking forward to having a 265 piece from the start for my other two non-hunter characters I plan to start at some point this fall/winter.

I have really enjoyed the game so far. Looking forward to more! I am glad you are enjoying it too.

It has been delivered to my kindle and I have enjoyed the first chapter so far! Thanks for the cool read.

If these droids are manufactured by different companies, maybe they have their own naming and branding schemes? Or are BB’s made by Industrial Automation too?