Seems like one of the bigger advantages of #vanlife would be the ability to DRIVE THE VAN somewhere the weather doesn’t suck.
Seems like one of the bigger advantages of #vanlife would be the ability to DRIVE THE VAN somewhere the weather doesn’t suck.
I detect a tinge of resentment in this review, and I suspect that will be the position of most critics, since so many of them absolutely loved The Last Jedi. Fans may well favor the fixes, though, because deep down, familiarity may be what they really want. Star Wars getting a new trilogy at all (when it never needed…
And despite your corporate overlords telling you to stick to sports, I hope Deadspin never does because
and I can’t emphasize this enough
I know exactly how he feels. There was this media company I liked that was bought by sociopathic hedge fund vampires who paid themselves obscene salaries while running the company into the ground.
So where do the ascendant raisins fit into all of this? I demand celery lore
A couple of years ago I ran through a string (3) of men that were unable to drive front facing into a parking slot. They backed into every slot. I questioned them and they said the same thing, “Makes for a quick get away.” All three turned out to be obsessive control freaks. Now if a man backs in, even one time, he’s…
If this had happen during the Montreal portion of the Rays season, it would have been even more confusing because it would have all been in metric.
The goal of IPO pricing is to match the market. You don’t want big swings up or down from your IPO price because:
I will take any ray of hope that we’ll be seeing my boy Kyle again.
It’s by talking to the Drifter, after you’ve finished his quest line with the initial gambit prime and the reckoning missions.
Where do you choose which team you side with? And my allegiance is with Zavala for sure. He is voiced by one of my favorite characters from Fringe too which helps
My exact thinking. Those three Vanguard dorks have been there for me time and time again, putting up (and even encouraging *COUGH* CAYDE *COUGH*) my shenanigans for years. The Drifter is some no-name Matthew McConaughey wannabe who showed up and started messing with the darkness. Naw I’m good.
It’s been an exhausting rollercoaster, that’s for sure, but Destiny hasn’t taken a step back since Forsaken launched. It’s better than it’s ever been. It’s still an extremely grindy game (which can be draining, and often leads me to take long breaks), but as a “go-to” loot shooter for PVP or to raid with your friends,…
I am un-ironically happy that I am rocking a Masterwork Cookie Oven.
Yes. I do think so.
I am the half of my partnership that am still working on getting into a healthier weight range. I hit 330 and ever since I knew I would have to parent, I did my best to improve and 4 years later I’m still around 240. It’s a slow progression but I changed my eating habits, never fuss about what my…
It don’t make a ruckus if it ain’t got that Zuckuss
I’m personally waiting on the 4-LOM DLC.
We get big body Bossk but no Dengar the Disintegrator? What heresy is this?
My dude, the first goddamn thing I say is that he’s in TESB.