This was a fun run down memory lane! You’re right about the 3-4 months after Taken King. What a rush and what a focus I had!
This was a fun run down memory lane! You’re right about the 3-4 months after Taken King. What a rush and what a focus I had!
just grab it it’s great!
Do you think they will get to participate together in PVE?
C’mon, Jason.... Why’d you have to go and delay Mass Effect: Andromeda 2?
Any sense (officially or not) on whether PC <> Xbox One(Scorpio) crossplay?
On Xbox, to accept the terms of service for hotel internet so I can get back to gaming when I’m on the road for work! :)
I booted up Warcraft 2 not too long ago on an older machine. Blizzard is right... and mostly for one main reason: Queue’s at buildings.
Starcraft was the first Blizzard RTS (I won’t claim the first RTS... cause I don’t know) that had the ability to queue up 5 units at each building...
Holy crap it changes everything…
I booted up Warcraft 2 not too long ago on an older machine. Blizzard is right... and mostly for one main reason: Queue’s at buildings.
Starcraft was the first Blizzard RTS (I won’t claim the first RTS... cause I don’t know) that had the ability to queue up 5 units at each building...
Holy crap it changes everything…
This is a great great point. They have been hampered by this, for sure.
OMG! One game studio loves another game studio’s games and included a homage to that game in their game! Dear God! I can’t believe this has never happened before in any type of entertainment media ever!
Meanwhile, I continue to chase 320 on my three characters with my best friends in a cool game. Almost there (318,319,319)!
I for one really liked the Yes / No / Not Yet. It was helpful.
“While I’m proud of her for finding a lucrative hobby...”
What game is the main screenshot from?
And where is Harvey Birdman?
Activision should have bought Konami instead of King, if Konami needs investment. Just take over the company.
If you do the math, there seems to be plenty legendary marks to go around:
I still vote for “Nolandroid” rather than Northbot.
I starting playing Destiny after the first expansion, and had some friends to help, but taking my time made me have a better time. Enjoy the game!