Congrats! I’ve been working on lvl 4 IB on my main with what time I had to play this week... Hoping to focus on ToO next week!
Congrats! I’ve been working on lvl 4 IB on my main with what time I had to play this week... Hoping to focus on ToO next week!
I misspelled limousine. I was tired and thought there was a z in it...
Not the grossest thing ever, but it happened today, so it's present on my mind.
Just as a related, sidenote... you can still play SWG pre-CU here:…
Something we are working on related to this:…
It's an oh-mee-ga.
We are working on a gaming startup, and part of the process of developing our pitch deck has been market research. What is fascinating is that these hosts have no. earthly. idea. the amount of people buying and playing games. Seriously.
I love the attention to detail. Looking forward to getting one of these down the line!
This is the kind of thing that Star Wars Galaxies needed. Not sure if you played that game or not, but the player cities and the ability to shape the worlds into thriving centers of commerce and player activity was unprecedented and is still unmatched (IMHO).
Gig'em Ags!
Sounds fine to me...
Holy crap people.
I, for one, was incredibly excited.
Gig'em Ags!
I still have my saturn in the garage. Love taking it out from time to time to play Knights, NBA Jam, etc. Still wish I had a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga...
So, gotta take a second to talk about my start-up GameWisp, because we are trying to make this situation a thing of the past.
The line is very long and very constant! So definitely seems to be really popular at the show.
Also if you are at PAX, come check out the GameWisp booth (booth 1115) over in the corner by the Bethesda area!