Man. What an amazing, brave person. Thanks for protecting my freedom sir!
Man. What an amazing, brave person. Thanks for protecting my freedom sir!
Have you had problems with iCloud? I haven't yet, but that doesn't mean there aren't problems with it!
I'm still yet to run into any problems with the maps. I have used it everyday a few times a day, and have not had a problem yet. Am I alone in this?
Two apps does not at trend make, sir.
Man, I don't know what this guys issues are. Actually... Im not even sure what Gizmodo's are either. I have been using Windows 8 for a couple weeks now and really love it. Love the style, love the Metro thingy, havent really had any problems... so, whatever Intel guy.
I haven't had any issues yet. Seems pretty good to me. Still gets me where I need to go. But I also drive places and don't use public transportation.
I think we broke the site...
I really like the new map app for just general mapping.
Updating! Yay!
Han shot first.
Well, we all know how little Ani would feel about these plates...
The old ones always fit me pretty well.
I love bartering: I am making a website for a carpenter friend of mine and he is making me a clone of this table! My wife and I are very excited.
Just inflating billable hours. ;)
I can make Gizmodo a picture about as good as that in a couple hours, if you guys want a story to break?
It didn't sound correct to me either!
The whitewashing of terms is actually a pretty common occurrence. I worked for HP for a while and we do not have bugs. There are no bugs, there are no defects, instead there are observations and issues. And it is for a legal reason! You are not legally supposed to launch a product that is defective, so we do not…
Ok cool. I will see about adding that in the near future, once we get feature complete with some other stuff.
No, I totally understand. The problem with software and design patents is that all of tech is copied from all other tech. And honestly, Samsung would be stupid to not try to emulate what the iPhone was doing.
So if I was making a service... what services would you guys rather have as a login feature? So far, steam and facebook are supported. Would you think it valuable to link twitter and google and then call it a day?