
This is the most ridiculous line of the entire memo: "History has shown there has yet to be a company that has won the hearts and minds of consumers and achieved continuous growth, when its primary means to competition has been the outright abuse of patent law, not the pursuit of innovation."

This would be awesome for a kid, as mentioned! Looking forward to what cool tech is available for my kids when i have them in a few years.

Man... i had that VHS somewhere too! I hope its still at my parents somewhere... I loved that it had a few secrets throughout the video. So cool...

Stop screwing up my TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the love of God. These networks need to be run by people that actually care about people who use their services! Can I get Fox.com on my Xbox? No! Can I get ABC.com on my Xbox? No! Why the hell would you hold back content from a service that people pay for and

It seems to me that this is getting blown out of proportion. I have read the previous articles about this too and it just seems like Twitter is going to be the gatekeeper to help themselves know how to grow their own api backend at a pace that will keep the service level to the third party apps consistent and

You know what is really great? Seeing Microsoft wake up right before our eyes. They are a cool company with the footprint and resources to really do some awesome things. And now that they have the proper people in leadership (Steve Sinofsky, for example), man... they are just doing cool stuff these days. Way to wake

I have tried to contribute new articles to WP about things that are real and deserve an article (bands, video game related, programming related) and the system is just stupidly backwards, so I really am excited to see some new changes to that! It is just hard to understand. Looking forward to a streamlined experience!

This is a great reminder to do something good via the internet:

This was a really informative and excellently written article. I love these sorts of explanations from professionals familiar with the process of designing and machining technology.

Yes. It's about what goes on in your heart and mind, not just the physical action.

Woz, I think that is a fascinating point. What guarantees do we have on our data? Shouldn't this be consistent across the board in some capacity? It is hard to believe that there is not even a standard, let a long government regulation. The next step seems like it would be to gather and build an industry standard

That's cool! I did one of those kinds of projects once. It was fun!

The main problem i have is that the shockwave play says its taking like 300mb ram, but when i force quit it... it releases about 1.5 gb of memory

Adium is working for me...

This movie is soooo awesome!

Some people are just jerks.

That would be really nice! I have a media server, my laptop hooked up to a monitor, and then my gaming PC... would just love to not have to reconnect and pair the keyboard with all of them each time I switch comps.

I had a Blackberry Pearl. Really loved that phone, as it was my first phone with a data plan. Deciding that monthly data was necessary was a big deal (I was in college and money didn't exactly flow very freely...) and once I did it, I knew I never would be able to go back.

Well, as far as I know, that is just a mock up. The headphone port is on the bottom of iPod Touches and the top of the iPhone. I have never been sure exactly why... maybe they are unifying them now? Dunno...