But why is the Voice Changer in the boot!?!
But why is the Voice Changer in the boot!?!
Happy Anniversary!
Americans can do some great work when we put our minds to it! I am proud of our space program and our engineers.
Oh no! This is unheard of in tablets to only limit it to one browser! If Apple had done that, surely the iPad would have been a failure. It sure is a good thing that they did not.
When did the PC become a console?
Also the 360 didn't get all of its users' information hacked!
"And it's worth mentioning the other geek comedy that airs on Thursdays at 8 too, because of a certain guest star"
You are entirely correct, of course. I am sure this is just a tiny subset of what they recovered.
Thanks for the information! Cool story.
True, but a good contract includes a clause that says that the losing party is going to pay the court fees of the winning party. And when someone doesn't perform their side of the contract, it is usually a win for the developer. Consequently, having those clauses in your contract makes for a great leverage factor…
As is the case with most tech companies in this situation, the engineers usually have no problem with the hackers. It's the lawyers and the brass. I imagine the engineers were happy to meet with him and figure out how he got into their systems.
It's just the lighting being funky. Lighting is almost everything in pictures anyway.
He stole that line from Bender. Awaiting Bender's twitter response...
yeah... reapers on Gold is insane.
The credit hunt for upgrades has me coming back.
4 Hour work week.
I wish the title of this article was "instascam"
Looking forward to this! Gunna savor it!