
Zuck has at least 51% of voting rights, right? I thought there was some report about that before, where he has enough stock, plus had most employees with equity sign over their stock voting rights to him so that he is technically still in control.

Who cares how they look. I will buy and wear these!

We need more helium :/

Clone it!


They were actually real projects, with I thought pretty clear goals and such. I have a web development company, so most of the time they were software projects. It seems like they have a pretty solid filter when it comes to funding apps, software projects, and things of the like. Off the top of my head, I don't

Have you ever tried to start a KickStarter project? I have tried 3 times and gotten rejected all three times. They do seem to have some filtering methods in place.

Good to hear bro! I have just had a few of these xkcd's come across where they Updated it after the fact with the mouse over. I'm glad you did read it and engage us for our ideas :)

They don't bother to read the mouse over. It has happened before.

I think the problem was I saw the first one from the blog view on the front page, which has a smaller picture, and then just assumed I knew what it was and moved on. When i do the larger picture I can see the difference mostly.

I actually thought the first one was a Kraft Mac & Cheese cheese package.

I will be buying this once they release an update that handles apps and includes Hulu Plus. Until then, just going to continue to stream with my Xbox via Windows Media Center.

Great discussion. Here is my take on the next revolutionary feature: It is going to be software. You guys hit the nail on the head when you said "Thank You for not including Siri on this thing!" That old Apple video of the professor doing his research for his class with his tablet and the thing finding stuff for him,

Just in time for march madness! Suck... the only month where I stream over 2-3gb is this month! Basketball on all.the.time! Well, hopefully I will find me some more wifi spots this year...

Oh No's!!! Google's privacy policy becomes more transparent and its applications easier to use as a collective whole tomorrow!


Haha so true. So very true.

BMI is a startling number, because it is so easy to be Overweight and Obese without knowing it. Of course, its not the best way to categorize peoples' bodies, but in general its a reasonable method to get started on where you stand.

Been meaning to watch Tron:Legacy. Maybe i will do that while I code tonight.

Haha. That is awesome. I would just love to have that setup in my coffee shop workspot. Oh the looks I would get...