
Go check out the Methuselah foundation website, it says right on the tin that they want to make 90 year olds feel and live like 50 year olds. I'm sorry for his last decade.

First, Given the choice between working for thousands of years or just dying after a scant collection of decades, you’d choose the later? Well good on you, no one is denying you that choice. However if I wanted to work, why would you deny me it? Especially if I promise it won’t even cost you a breath of air.

I think they are codependent. It's like how the internal combustion engine made airplanes, cars, submarines, airships, and private boating possible.

and yet you already provided me a student loan on even less of a promise.

And you haven’t even factored in that jobs have a lifespan of another 50-100 years tops.

counterpoints: If I don't have an expiration date, someone would be willing to foot me the loan to get off world. I'd be millions in debt, but would have centuries to pay it off. Also, you could make longevity treatment available to only the ones willing to go off world, or to give up on personal wealth for a spell