Turning Jalopanese, the refreshing choice

Your little ones will love your minivan until they’re in high school

Its cars are all fine, competent, and good-looking

I’ll slow down to 35 around this corner. Tuck and roll, hon. Tell your sister I said hi! 

Strong disagree. I put close to 100k miles on our family Astro and it was awesome.

In the entire world, there are only two vehicles that matter:

I drive a truck, so...

Musk constantly trying to out-think the future.

Well this has just been the shittiest day all around. I almost deleted the Jalopnik bookmark after the Deadspin debacle, but I hung in, at least a little bit. Now I think I have to peace out. I don’t want to support this business any more. Hopefully I can catch you all on other sites and whatnot once this place gets

I voted “present.”  

Every time I post all the problems with my truck, the helpful folks there confirm that, yes, my Ram is falling apart, and please stop asking you already know this. 

This is the page I seem to visit most often:

I wish we could see this guy’s face.

Ok, flying boomer. 

The Lexus LZ 129. Reserve yours now. 

I fed my kids blended up surfboards and electric guitars when they were babies, but sadly, it did not make them more awesome like I hoped. They just cried a lot. 

Not spicy enough. 6/10. 

Love it. I am in favor of anything that gets me more spicy chicken.

What online company do you use to program your workouts? I'm interested in doing that but I don't know who's good. 

Elon already controls the world’s supply of antigravity, so that’s out. 

I swear I was just joking. Take it back, Elon.