Turning Jalopanese, the refreshing choice

Looks like Torch is getting dangerously close to discovering he’s actually an AI experiment jointly funded by DARPA and G/O Media.

Those are very creative, Jason, and you’re a lovely young man with a bright future writing about cars. 

Spanfeller’s butthole? 

Spanfeller keeps his address to himself, ‘cause it’s a secret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret cret. 

You know what else you can find in the Ocean? Scammers and con artists, bilking their investors for money over and over again. They are also sometimes on land. 

No doubt. When I was 18, my girlfriend (now 2nd wife) had one of them and she looked pretty sexy cruising around on it. Now she drives a Hyundai Tucson. Where did it all go wrong? 

Yes, but much like a Ferrari 250 GTO or a McLaren F1, the Element is worth the inflated price just for the cachet alone. 

I ended up with a 1987 Elite scooter and a broken laptop screen.

Shout out to the Element, my perennial suggestion as the ideal car for all people at all times.

I guess it’s fine if you like the Minecraft look, but I find Rivian’s products much more intriguing. 

So the only two single people left in the bar at last call have decided to hook up. Truly a love story for the ages.

In a sedan, that cone would have ruined you. 

Hopefully it has AWD to handle this hardcore offroading?

Looks normal to me

Compared to the last 17 years of Nissan innovation:

The ol’ Yokohama Steamer. Always a classic. 

You should definitely give yourself a one star rating, to alert yourself of your shady business practices. 

Shut up, tomato.

Reboots are very popular these days, so I think they should remake Daimler-Chrysler. I would probably wait until it was on Amazon for free, but I’d definitely watch it.

If I fight you over this bad opinion, then I have to fight you over all your other bad opinions, and then where does it end? Probably with me dead, judging by your crazy eyes.