That’s a dumb question. I don’t have any gas powered cars parked in my garage. But to charge an EV I would have to park it there.
Fires are one thing that worry me about EVs. Having one charging in my garage makes me nervous, even if I know it’s slightly irrational. If it were to catch fire, my whole McMansion would be toast in like 5 minutes. It’s basically made out of graham crackers and elmer’s glue.
“Please do what’s right for our small business community and support Formula 1!!!!”
Sounds like they just invented a new term for House Servant. Maybe calling them “drones” means you can pay them as contractors, like Uber drivers.
Yeah, Spectre was an absolute mess and a waste of Christoph Waltz as a Bond villain.
Prime Smooth™ soft padding.
Jesus christ man, it’s taken decades of heavy drinking to repress those memories. Please don’t make me think about Z Cavaricci pants ever again.
Where we’re going, we don’t need pants.
In 20 years when all new cars are EV’s, we will look back on this last gasp of ICE cars and their increasingly stupid-looking giant grilles and wonder what hell everyone was thinking. Like parachute pants.
Skyfall is one of my favorite Bond movies. I especially like that lovely silver DB5.
Sheesh, Agent Scully has really let herself go.
Maybe they can merge with Harley Davidson and form the ultimate lifestyle brand.
navigate the little vehicle towards a piece of Froot Loops cereal.
My license plate says HAHA JK. My truck did not come up in the image search.
Alas, the internet clout points are too tempting sometimes.
I also have never seen the remake. Tell your mom I said what’s up.