Turning Jalopanese, the refreshing choice

I was Juul’er for a few years and I had a similar setup in my truck. Pretty handy actually.

If it can be retrofitted to spit out Juul pods and mounted in a WRX, I see a huge opportunity. 

That’s a good point. Any technology that facilitates the eating of spherical meat products can’t be all bad. 

Even more fearsome are the yellow-clad soldiers marching below it. Look at those two on the right saluting! 

I’ve only test driven cars with lane-keep, but I’ve hated them all. Maybe it’s because I’ve been driving 20-something years without it, but I found it really annoying to feel the wheel moving without my input.

Meanwhile American parades be like

If they had just named it Smart Crash, nobody would be complaining. This is a marketing problem. 

That’s the one thing I would change about Star Wars. Not enough car matadors. Oh, and the Ewoks. Needs more Ewoks everywhere, all the time.

Just wait til it’s fully autonomous. 

Sometimes I think it would be fun to be a car blogger. And then other times I remember you have to read and write about BMW’s SUV lineup and I just pity you.

I’m constantly shopping for something to replace my 2014 Ram. Just haven’t found the right thing yet. Maybe I will find a deal I can’t pass up.

I think you may have solved all those cold-case Festiva murders from the early 90's. This creep was hacking them up, storing the parts in his warehouse, and performing weird Frankenstein experiments with them. It’s always the ones you most suspect.

Probably something about cheese. 

With Vigo Mortenstein 

Replace The Ryan Reynolds Character with The Sweet Dee Reynolds Character and I’m in.

I peeked. Spoiler alert, it looks like a HYPERCAR (vomit).