Turning Jalopanese, the refreshing choice

Sell it to VW. 

He’s the pope, so he has to take pity on the poorest, ugliest, and most pitiful things on earth.

I've literally never set foot in New Jersey. But it's our official joke state, so what are you gonna do? 

I’m glad they limited New Jersey to the first 5 seconds. That was plenty. 

Ouch, that hurts. Sorry buddy. 

Oh, wait, you probably have to be an actual boomer to afford this. Never mind.

If we bend space-time enough, maybe we can go back about 15 years and figure out where it all went wrong for Nissan.

Yeah, $70k is fine, but when I went to put down a deposit they said they were starting with the highest level trims ($90k+) first. Even I have my limits. 

I really hope Rivian doesn’t turn out to be full of shit. I want one of their SUVs, once they start building the lower priced trims.

Car-nobyl. Fuk-car-shima. Three mile auto.

There’s always Nissan, for people who get told “no” at the Mitsubishi dealer. 

You're an asshole, kinja. I'm not friends with you anymore. 

I mean a house so big I won’t even notice if a truck hits it. The outer perimeter of the house will be servants quarters and the mother-in-law suite, to protect me from errant vehicle strikes. 

I mean a house so big I won’t even notice if a truck hits it. The outer perimeter of the house will be servants quarters and the mother-in-law suite, to protect me from errant vehicle strikes. 

This is exactly why I gotta get a bigger truck. And a bigger house. 

Yeah, R/T is the sweet spot on these. That green is the business though. 

Think of all the MULLLLCH. 

Blasphemer. I’m going to need you to say ten Hail Maples and five Our Flours.