
She is soooo thirsty, and so arrogant. Not someone I would ever hire at my current job, let alone for fucking President of the US. I said the exact same thing the other night when I turned on Fox News and saw her marching with the Bernie or Busters outside the DNC. Then I rolled my eyes so hard I saw the back of my

Still going with ‘killed by Jim Webb.’

typical ambush journalism by the vile lib media smdh

I’m a long time out of college but my parents advice would have been “do better at another school and transfer”

Isn’t there a Mark Twain story about a man who declares himself the emperor of the United States, and the town goes “Eh, we won’t give him any real power but we’ll let him wear a fancy suit and call himself the emperor, he’s not hurting anyone and it keeps him busy”? Maybe something like that can happen, give him a

I feel so weird when the NFL does something right for a change.

RMS Lusinsania


I’d say these sad, sad people except for how their delusions end up in children dying from not being vaccinated, or shootouts with police because they claim they’re “sovereign citizens”, or just the ongoing level of homophobia, racism,s exism and just plain weirdness from these creepy folk.

Can “Send Anna on a Thing” be a regular feature pls

Yep! We got an email from a lovely commenter being like, “Send Anna on this thing” and my bosses were like, “OK” and I was like “wait I was mostly kidding when I said I wanted to go and wrote a pitch” and they were like “No, too late,” and I was like “....” and then I went.

Engman feels that she might be a victim of class envy

The tires were shot for being black and running away.

I believe Trump is trolling the Republicans and America as a whole, but not for the reason everyone thinks.

I had one I was developing for a while that Eric Clapton killed a bunch of people. If memory serves, he was one of the last people to see Brian Jones alive (that may be sketchy). But Duane Allman died while working with Clapton on the Layla record and Clapton did drive his “best friend” George Harrison off the road

Crack was invented and distributed with deliberate governmental acquiescence if not outright assistance.

George HW Bush was in on the Iran hostage crisis the entire time as a means to discredit Ford.

I mean to be honest as a New York Jew I had zero idea that Jews were a minority in this country until college.

They’re racists. Lack of education has always been the problem for these turds.