I’m sure an SS officer occasionally stopped to pet a dog too.
I’m sure an SS officer occasionally stopped to pet a dog too.
Knowing Michigan this is probably just a faked gay love triangle shovel beating, intended to cover up a straight love triangle shovel beating.
Closeted gays can be like that.
The crosstabs on the polling might reveal more, but I don’t think that’s quite right. The kinds of nutjobs who want to shut down PP have other extremist religious nutjob candidates who are more natural landing spots for them. If you believe women shouldn’t have reproductive autonomy, who’s more appealing to you as an…
Colin don’t ban me but St Germain in cava sounds delicious
Seeing as white chocolate is often gross while sour cream is usually awesome, I totally understand the blondie guy.
I am looking to hire cooks and waitstaff for my newest restaurant - Punchie’s This Is How We Serve It.
Okay, seriously: what kind of FUCKING MONSTER puts GRAPE JELLY onto a perfectly innocent pizza? And for those of you who would mention pineapple, you are gross and wrong. Fight me.
Good for her. There's no reason for her to take that shit.
(In other words, Grantland Rice was a lot like a proto Simmons with tons of Redemption and Nadir era racism thrown in)
(Bill Simmons, an incredibly pompous, self-absorbed lover of obscure references, almost certainly has like an unpublished list of greatest sports writers sitting around somewhere, and I guarantee you he is just as likely to know and have read Grantland Rice as he is to make a stupid, stupid post about Rush or George…
PSA: Do not give your money to people on the Internet who do not use their real names.
So, the creator willingly admits that he began a Kickstarter (with the requirement to fulfill pledges or refund the money) knowing that it wouldn’t be enough money to fulfill those pledges. Sounds as though he just gave anyone who wants to file a claim all the proof they need.
On Monday night, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah parsed how far-right Republicans are simultaneously pro-life and…
I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder
Intern, I want to Rubio a fantastic burn. Done.
That was actually kind of funny in a dickhead way. Given that Donald Trump lacks even the remotest shred of humor or whimsy, I’ll guarantee an (unpaid) intern did this.
Sometimes, Youtube comments hit that sweet spot.
“So, your table stopped me and asked what kind of fish they had was because they thought you were lying to them; I told them it was cod and they asked why we didn’t have real fish.”