
People say this, but I really don’t get it. I didn’t like the West Wing, Moneyball, or The Social Network. Is there a better starting point for Sorkin that isn’t quite so ridiculous?

Someone shoot Aaron Sorkin and his enormous ego into the sun, thanks.

And if you get headshotted 10 seconds in?

It’s almost like art doesn’t always obey the laws of physics. Shocked, I tell you!

Topical. I like it. You’ve got moxie, kid.

The apocalypse that is the Midwest. The things I have seen grace a table in Lincoln, NE would make Jesus get back up on the cross and say “fuck it, you were right, Dad.”

That last lady is everything wrong with America in one doughy pale-ass package.

My brain goes to another restaurant. ‘Cause dip means something bullshit with fake crab meat and mayo and get that shit away from my tortilla chips, honky.

This does not get nearly enough attention, so thanks for pointing that out.

Well, one is offering a traditional commoditized service, and the other is an evil hellish megacorporation founded by Ray Kroc.

Why does the press never bring up his psychopathic kid and the dog torturing?

It reminds me of a common Czech saying- “We drink beer because fish shit in water.”

She’s basically the American version of Margret Thatcher, without that candy-coating of charm and intelligence.

I love how Kratos’ design is the best of the worst of focus-grouped meetings. “How about we give this ancient Greek soldier a Fred Durst chin strap? The kids all love this nu-metal thing, that’ll age well. And better paint him really white like Marilyn Manson, that’s edgy!”

If you say so.

I mean, he’s still better than his former partner in crime Adam Corolla. I still don’t get how either of them have careers, honestly.

That’s like saying chlamydia is better than late-stage syphilis.

Right on. Baseball fucking sucks.

It’s almost like Jimmy Kimmel’s not very good at his job. Strange, really.

Not Shasta! :(