
JB, you got the best stories!

Living in a Slavic land will do wonders for one’s appreciation of beets. I hated them in America too, but I’ve had a huge number of surprisingly tasty beet dishes since I moved here.

But... generally speaking, people ARE terrible.

It was mostly an odd night in general. Storytime! (Full disclosure, I am an American living in Prague who speaks fluent Czech and has a really distinctly American regional accent when I speak English, which will play a part in the story.)

So, Prague, where this story takes place has a pretty bustling nightlife. It’s

I had a beer a few months ago with everybody’s favorite B-level Irish beardy musician celebrity, (Glen Hansard) responsible for creating a pretty mom-tastic film and Broadway musical. It was pretty odd.

One of these days, the Party for Personal Responsibility will actually take responsibility for something. Well, besides of course, whatever successful things liberals do.

Yeah, what a dick to think about a potentially life changing decision. After all, some dude on the internet has ENTERTAINMENT NEEDZ.

Are you Jeremy Clarkson? Shouldn't you be flailing away on an intern about now?

I teach American kids in Central Europe on study abroad trips. There's definitely something to this with 18-20 year olds. Factor in the insane hive-mind/peer pressure that a high school teenager already has going on and things are bound to get awkward, ugly, and insulting real quick.

Which also exists because people BUY it. It's a real chicken-egg situation (as someone who works in the culture industry).