And boring and dull Presidential politics are anathema to a news industry that lives off attention, engagement, and clicks.
And boring and dull Presidential politics are anathema to a news industry that lives off attention, engagement, and clicks.
You know what? Maybe “pretty dull TV” is EXACTLY WHAT WE SHOULD WANT FROM OUR PRESIDENT.
is this an episode of I Love Film?
What everyone is missing in those credits are the names Jon Hamm and John Slatterly, which given the subject matter and time period, would lead me to bet money that there is a Mad Men reunion cameo taking place at Sterling Cooper... or Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.
I grew up in Texas and have lived in the Bay Area of California for years. When you get outside of the bubbles that exist in places like SF, Berkeley, and some parts of LA, you find that Californians and Texans have A LOT more things in common than not.
Wes Anderson’s movies feel more and more like being forced to watch an adult play with their sprawling Lego city for two hours and you are not allowed to touch anything.
Tenenbaums and Budapest both had seriously quirky characters, but he remembered to build a humanity that made you care about them.
I’ll watch this because I give every Anderson movie a shot, but French Dispatch was like a soulless parody of his style. I found it completely uninvolving and really hope he doesn’t disappear up his own ass like that this time out as well.
Imagine having your racism be so malignant that it makes you believe Terrence Howard and Don Cheadle look alike.
I could just stay home and look in a mirror for two hours for that. Save some bucks.
Hey Charlie! I got a movie for ya: A Fridge Too Far!
...the pipes, the pipes are calling...
Yeah, it’s a ballsy thing to say, but where’s the lie?
“Irredeemable” is such a strong word, too. A lot of movies are bad, but this makes it sound bad on a MORAL level. Like, this movie DID something that can’t be forgiven. This movie cheated on its wife. This movie forgot its son’s birthday. Don’t ask this movie where it was on January 6th.
They’d better use Nick Lutsko’s theme for Spirit Halloween in the movie.
It’s like the entire cast have been told they are playing Billy Idol.
So you could say that his behaviour was...
You’ve had a lot of time to reflect and consider this by now, I think it’s time we admit that the Self Indulgence is Mindful.
“whisper kitchen frasier shit” is a very funny line