
Predator vs. Farrow would be more apt.

Don’t do that. He’ll just get closer.

Godfather III: Oops, All Sofia! cut

I don’t know, I think they could have gotten somebody Better Than Ezra.

Good. He’d just end up starting it and never finishing it. Frustrating everyone. 

2.) Lack of books.
3.) Suspiciously and exclusively similar to a Google search for “list of classic books” or things you might have to buy for a basic lit survey course.
4.) Nearly everything comes from the same basic philosophical perspective. Even if you broadly agree with it.


You like 80% of the footage in your documentary to be stock footage of faceless people going into and out of buildings and sitting down at conference tables? Also having all the talking heads spend most of their interview time describing the innate awesomeness of the most annoying FBI agent ever? Yeah, fun...

HUZZAH! *smashes remote control*

I still think it should have gone by its original title: ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. What Kind of Coffee Do They Like? Do They Like Coffee? Let’s Find Out!”

Look, it’s not my fault that the 6-month anniversary of the first time me and my girlfriend had sex was so newsworthy. I’m tired of apologizing for this!