Place is dead anyway, man

Liverpool fan here. Can confirm.

Haha ok.

The headline isn’t about the quality of the goal, it’s about the player who scored it. C’mon man. Try a little harder next time.

I take it you are referencing the major highlight clip where he sprints down the right and fires a shot wide? If that’s the case, it’s really hard to say he made a *wrong* decision. To your points: 1) There is a player running to the back post, but he wasn’t really free as there is a defender closing down the angle.

If those are your two takeaways from that video, then your mind was already made up before you watched it.

There are plenty of reasons to roll your eyes at the game if it doesn’t suit you, but highlights of an American teenager doing pretty damn well for currently one of the best teams in Europe shouldn’t be one of them.

You do realize there were four goals in that game, right? The second video doesn’t show any because, as mentioned in the article, it was a supercut of the American teenager’s highlights.

Somebody please buy him from Liverpool. Looking at you, China.

This sounds like your own personal take on one of my favorite movie lines of all time. From Swingers:

Glad I’m not the only one who saw that as the real WHAT THE FUCK part of the article.

Napier? ‘Cause he’s 6'1. I wouldn’t call him a tiny point.

Came here to ask the same thing. I covered a bartending shift tonight for a girl who requested off work like 3 weeks in advance because WRESTLEMANIA. I’m not judging (big soccer fan here, so I’ve heard stuff before), I just don’t know what the hype is about.

I appreciate the medical advice, good sir, but that last comment was a joke that apparently didn’t come off.

Good shout. I really should dig deeper into this.

Haha, half-assed indeed. But if there’s ever a time for me to feel justified in being lazy, it’s when I’m taking a shit.

All you have to do is lean to one side, reach under, and clean the infested area. Not hard or complicated. My concern for anyone who stands up is that for every degree you extend your knees to stand, the window of availability of your butthole closes. I just feel like I wouldn’t be able to get it cleaned properly.

44. Getting hit by a Montee

This basically sums up every man/woman relationship, probably more than you know.

Maybe a Clemson fan pulling a prank? Although that would be more likely if the Tigers made the dance themselves.