Place is dead anyway, man

I’ve had the opposite experience. I was canceled flying from a small airport to San Francisco due to fog in the bay which makes it so small regional jets cannot land. I listened to multiple people use your method and get nothing but a rebooking from the agents since it was demonstrably weather and outside the

I think with an iron man like JARVIS on their team, the Browns can avenge last season by winning infinity more games. But not if he starts a civil war during the preseason. Even 3 wins would be a marvel.

+1 whynotboth.gif

Soooo we’re all in agreeance the husband was definitely in there jerking off and not taking a dump, right?


Advisory: If you stay through Herm Edwards, you’ll get some Vin Scully. I promise.

I stayed up late to watch this, and at one point I found myself thinking “Wow. I forgot that SportsCenter can actually be good”. Then Stephen A. came on...

this is the weird thing - Stephen A . Smith wasn’t terrible! His words were very heartfelt! (well except for him claiming that he remembered an Ali fight when he was 3, which I’ll take with a grain of salt) As I mentioned on a different post last night, last night was ESPN at it’s best - literally what’s been missing

Presumably the rest of ESPN’s staff was sent out to cover LeBron James’s tweet about it.

These two just sit around hermetically sealed in their “Break glass in case of journalism” cases somewhere in Bristol and whenever that glass is broken, they come out and do great stuff like this. It’s a shame that faux journalist like Skip get all the press clippings while real ones like these two are only called on

These two are about the only people left worth watching on TWWL. Glad we get Ley and Schaap instead of SAS and whatever other bloviator they drug out of bed.

‘My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor, hungry people in the mud for big, powerful America. And shoot them for what?’’ Ali told the crush of reporters. ‘‘They never called me nigger, they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my

Dude, it was a clear denial of a ball getting crossed in. You don’t ever have your hands flailing around like that in the fucking box. He turned everything away but his arms. You have to have better awareness. That showed me Yedlin still has a long way to go.

And the implication of “why did you drink so much?” is “this was preventable.” And if it was preventable, if she hadn’t drank so much, then it is her fault.

Correct call. Keep your hand down, Yedlin.

If Theo leaves, who’s going to take over the duties of carrying the ball full speed into the corner and then losing it?

That’s exactly what youre doing.


Wow. Her statement is so incredibly eloquent and spot -on. I really hope that she will find some sort of peace.

Maybe Dave could expound on this someday, but I’ve never been a fan of Tony and he’s always struck me as a not particularly good person. Dude will rip anyone, anytime, anywhere (Hannah Storm, random TV people, the remarkable hit piece he did decades ago on late radio guy Ken Beatrice). Yet he’s so remarkably