
I mean, it’s only going fuck over our kids and grandkids, amirite? Honestly, who cares, right Mike?

“For some reason, this issue of atomic bombs has become a paramount issue for the Japanese.” - Mike Pence, circa 1945

My friend, who is not a 45 supporter AT ALL (she was in the tank for Hillary from day one), said “I feel bad that the youngest kid had to see that,” and I replied “The Obama girls saw their father lynched in effigy for eight years.” She was like “ ... people are garbage.”

I’m sure Donald was really concerned about Sasha and Malia’s emotional well being when he was peddling his birther bullshit for eight years.

Olivia, please use more actual medical treatment and less alternative medicine horseshit.

Wow, make champagne popsicles is the new let them eat cake. I never got that memo. Nice.

There is a reason that in The Emperor’s New Clothes it is a kid that points out that the Emperor is naked. Children are very good at seeing past all the superficial bullshit that adults think is important. They can see that under the fancy suit and ten tons of self-importance, Paul Ryan is just a spineless little

“no matter how much you may want health insurance someday”

And people on FB are still bitching about the “snowflakes” at Notre Dame.

Students told ABC that Ryan did not seem to notice the dissident middle schoolers standing in solidarity against him and all the parents of this country who just don’t get it.

“According to ABC, one parent posted on social media that students should respect Ryan because he has a fancy job, no matter how much you may want health insurance someday.”

Respect the office = I was just following orders.

Now playing

“I don’t want to be associated with a man who puts his party before his country.”

Ryan Seacrest is upset that Katy Perry is being offered way (waaaay) more to do American Idol than he is. [Page Six]

Yeah, Cosby, because the thought of someone making you ingest something against your will and knowledge is pretty fucking horrifying, huh?

“The Intercept published a full transcript of the “very friendly” April phone between Donald Trump and his strongman crush Rodrigo Duterte”

“definition of compassionate: a compassion that is balanced between the people who get the benefits and the people who pay them.”


Embarrassed to say I didn’t think they would unseal the Hellmouth until at least the midterms.

People with real achievements and skills tend not to boast about it. They let their work speak for itself. Talentless wannabes, on the other hand...