
I think Kate looks like she’s in a period drama about WWII. Someone is going to make a brave stiff-upper lip speech about victory gardens. But I kind of like it....

There is a 0% chance that 45 doesn’t say something totally insane, even for him, on this trip. It is going to be long, boring, and he won’t be able to go golfing. He is going to be grouchy as a baby on a roadtrip with a dirty diaper.

From my perspective, it’s not our business to question someone’s sexual preferences or personal recognitions. If they say they are _insert pronoun, gender/sexual identity_, then those who are not that individual should just leave it at that.

where’s the lie?

Exactly. Every single time some white asshole does something terrible, I post it on Facebook with the caption, “Keep telling me to be afraid of brown people”

I’m having massive fits of schadenfreude.

I will defend her if you won’t: SHE AIN’T WRONG.

Real talk. I think this guy might be gay. And he has just buried that so deep in his mind and body, that it subconsciously comes out as hating woman. Not that this makes it ok, in any way. But seriously, dude, try being with a man. Because I think you might realize that it feels right for you. And its not that you

OMG guys, look how these big bad feminazis forced this guy out of his career JUST for being a sexist asshole! When will we have real equality?

“I am not disappearing. I will continue to stand strong for men’s rights and the rights of all,”

Jasper is a living definition of “Backpfeifengesicht” which is a face begging for a fist in German.

When is the last time that this guy had consensual intercourse that didn’t involve a straight cash transaction?

“Flicking someone off” sounds like a euphemism for something involving genitals.

Because we’re allowed to focus on more than one inappropriate/outrageous thing at a time? Because a public servant flipping off a reporter who’s just doing her job is another alarming sign of disrespect for his constituents, the free press and democracy as a whole? Because this behavior is only the latest in Issa’s

It’s almost quaint, really. Who has the time to flip someone off with all this treasoning going on?

It’s not a “scandal,” it’s an example of a known bully being a dick yet again, and lying about it when called out for being a dick.

Depends on the gesture, I suppose. Personally, I like to unfurl the middle finger, taking my time to luxuriate in the target’s fury.

More to remind us what a thug this guy is, and the level of corruption the Republican Party will go to advance their agenda over the American people. This is a guy with known ties to money laundering, car chopping enterprises and bribery. I wish I were making this stuff up.

Darrel Issa is a thug, with ties to car chopping, money laundering and more... I can’t believe he is a member of the conservative party. He is a straight-up mafia thug.

Flicked? I thought it was flipped, have I been wrong this whole time?