I love Wanda so much.
I love Wanda so much.
“If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people he gives it to.”
Trumps, Hiltons and Kardashians are proof there is no god and the universe hates decent people.
Clearly Rep. Lee’s uterus is just wandering through her body, cutting off crucial blood flow to the brain and causing her to question the wisdom of cutting off healthcare to millions of people! When you have a wandering uterus you tend to have unreasonable thoughts like, “what will happen to society when there is no…
Lee’s speech, a direct appeal to the morality and humanity of her Republican colleagues...
The single most damning thing is exempting Congress. If you hate this legislation so much that you don’t want to subject yourself to it, you sure as fuck shouldn’t subject your constituents to it.
My pre-existing condition is uterus-having! :D
“Also of particular note: 11 states have over 30% of their population with preexisting conditions. Every single one of them voted Trump.”
I guess it’s better to die a racist, sexist asshole than to live a decent, tolerant person.
Another hysterical Congressman:
I’ve never wanted to kick someone in the balls as much as I have Rep. Collins. What an asshole.
OMFG, fuck any blowhard who uses “hysterics” against any woman. I consider that a slur at this point. Even more so against a Black breast cancer survivor.
Someone really needs to explain to me how the term “evil cult” is in anyway an inaccurate description of the Republican party.
Genuinely shocked McConnell didn’t come rolling in and try to vote to silence Lee.
Damn that woman, vaginaing all over the House chambers!
I’m sure it has nothing to do with her race or gender. Certainly not.
Women are always labelled “shrill” or “hysterical” when they believe in something. Doesn’t matter if their voice is like Kathleen Turner and their words as measured at Stephen Hawking’s. The greatest con game ever was men convincing women than we’re the emotional, illogical, irrational sex. Remember ladies, if they…
Any Republican woman who supports this crap should be publically humiliated. Being born with lady parts is now a pre-existing condition under this pathetic plan. Welcome to America: more like Logan’s Run and The Handmaid’s Tale every day!
Because of her emails? No, wait...economic insecurity?....mmmh They feel that she betrayed them with trade deals?.....all I know is that it has absolutely nothing to do with her being a black woman...No Señor.
No one pisses off Republicans like Sheila Jackson Lee. They can’t stand her for some reason, I wonder why?