You bring up a great point...if we deploy cans of Pepsi to Syria disaster can be averted.
You bring up a great point...if we deploy cans of Pepsi to Syria disaster can be averted.
Right? Real activists are getting pepper sprayed, hit with night sticks, tasered, and hauled off to jail. And Pepsi tried to make a cheap buck off “tapping into the energy of the movement” in the most tone-deaf way possible. But you are the real victim here, Kendall. Go to Paris and try to recover, you poor thing.
Can you imagine the kind of pain that not even jetting off to Paris at a moments notice can solve???
I’ve seen people making fun of this on foreign news casts. Multi-continental condemnation isn’t a little bit of criticism. I’m not saying the commercial shouldn’t be condemned, or that she doesn’t need a reality reboot, because it clearly should and she clearly does, but I think anyone would be smarting pretty hard…
Eh, the reality is this whole clusterfuck will soon be forgotten and Kendall can go back to Kendalling and then the nuclear war will wipe out everything.
The entirety of her being was raised into building a brand around herself. Her only self worth is her brand and now it’s seemingly very publicly damaged. So of course she’s freaking instead of doing the smart thing and realzing where she went wrong and correcting her missteps. It’s how she was raised and understands…
Fat pockets and thin skin.
I imagine that when you belong to the kind of shallow, narcissistic world that the Kardashian clan has built for themselves then the smallest bit of criticism must be really hard to take.
Branson is a real billionaire so he doesn’t have to be a poser..
It wouldn’t exactly be shocking that a guy who needs his morning briefing to be no more than seven bullet points, preferably including some sort of chart or graph, might have some literacy issues.
The Trump cannot read conspiracy* may be the best thing that Sam Bee has done. And that is one high fucking bar.
Obama went golfing, what, a couple times a year? This unhinged pumpkin goes every weekend and not a peep from the usual suspects, who called President Obama lazy (no dogwhistle there) while he worked his ass off.
It’s been my personal experience that the guy who thinks he’s the smartest person in the room is never the smartest person in the room. The smartest guy in the room is usually the one who asks the most considered questions and listens the most while not putting on airs.
So a racist Nazi-loving asshole can’t get along with a Jewish douche with no experience in government? Gasp! I am shocked! SHOCKED!!!!!
Bannon looks like a semi-sentient case of face herpes.
People who pick fights with Jared tend to end up regretting it later (looking at you, Chris Christie). I love that Bannon threatened to quit after getting pushed off the council but they called his bluff.
I like the header photos because Kushner looks like an evil villain from a movie, which he basically is, and Bannon looks like a literal homeless person whose public defender found an ill-fitting suit at Goodwill and made him wear it for his indecent exposure trial for that time he was busted peeing in the street.
“Plus when the nukes hit, we can go out blissfully, legally, toasted as fuck.”