
Oh honey. You’re a Trump. Lower your expectations.

I can’t get over all these alleged capitalists getting up in arms about people making a decision to not buy something and as a result a store dropping that product for not making them money. One of the Trump supporting idiots I know literally said about the Uber boycott “this is punishing the drivers,” to which I and

I wonder if any of the contractors he refused to pay after they completed their work were “great people”?

Also it shouldn’t be your child’s responsibility to do this. You should have enough of a moral compass to try to do the right thing yourself in order to set an example for you kids!

I guess that makes Ivanka a special little snowflake who needs a safe space. And screw Nordstrom for not selling clothes made by a “great person”! -_-

Tell us again about that degree from Wharton? Now I’m really curious how that ever happened.

Never doubt Our Orange Overlord’s ability to make any situation worse. Ivanka could have just quietly swallowed this business setback and got on with her life, BUT NO! The triple O has to bitch, and Nordstrom gets to reiterate that sales are the reason for this decision. He is actually humiliating his daughter by his

Oh my... she is the one pushing him to do good... so this means she is the brain behind in the let’s-fuck-all-america operation.

Jared Kushner’s daddy bribed his son into Harvard. Methinks something similar occurred with Papa Goldenhair in law.

“[Trump] called his national security advisor at 3 am with a pressing question he needed answered—is a strong or weak dollar better for the economy?”

“always pushing me to do the right thing”

I love his assertion that her being a great person(citation needed) has any bearing on Nordstrom carrying her line. They cut it because it didnt sell, and Nordstrom is a business, it wouldnt matter if it was Mother Teresas line.

Meek Mill SAYS he did not rob Nicki Minaj.

Graham definitely has best girlfriend potential.

I’ve always loved this quote from the BBC’s “The Honourable Woman”and I think it fits perfectly here:

*sigh* Sometimes I hate Lindsey Graham with the fire of a thousand suns, but I would really, really like him to be my best friend. We would get drunk and gossip about people and I would try to set him up with my cute neighbor or something.

And yet, people on fb are whining that she’s not perfect. For fuck’s sake. That is the same bullshit they used on HRC. Get the fuck on board and stop whining.

McCain called the Aussie PM, Turnbull, today to clean up Trump’s fucking phone call mess.

Reuters ordered their reporters to cover Trump’s White House like it’s an authoritarian regime. They warned them to expect physical threats. This is quite a read and Reuters’ editor-in-chief, Steve Adler, is a real journalist and a true patriot. Here’s a link to what he said, and it is quite something.

Fuck yeah. Pelosi’s got a brass snatch.