
“How is this real life?” will never not be an appropriate response to anything that happens for the next four years. Fuck. Fuck.

When Donald says that the press reporting bad things about him is “like Nazi Germany”, he appears to be casting himself as Hitler. Hero of the people, slandered by dishonest press and elites? Yep, Donald’s calling himself Hitler now.

Looks like the 24 people who still watch Family Feud will be boycotting.

He’s a black man Trump watches on TV. In the words of David S Pumpkins, any questions?

Guess he finds it flattering then.

If Putin is annoyed, that means someone is going to die.

How weird is it that normally, Steve Harvey meeting the president for politics would be a surreal joke but with Trump, it’s reality?

I’m glad someone mentioned that! It was perfect.

Gonna be drinking a lot of XXX to handle this sloppy fuck fest of idiots.

I love the little Russian pin on Trump’s lapel. It’s the little touches that make these sketches great.

As he said, This is real life. This is really happening.

If he just stayed on teevee being JD or the Butternut Squash Barf Splat, and 100% stopped saying awful shit in his personal encounters with other humans, he might actually cancel out his previous bad deeds and eventually become beloved.

Two things I learned from this:

Hello! It’s me, Steve Harvey. I do government now. Will this bode well for our country?

I never thought i’d be team Alec Baldwin, but this is the world we now live in I guess.

PERFECT GIF A+ thank you for your service.

I cling to the heartening info that there will be six times as many busses full of protesters and marchers than there will be of attendees.

That Asshole: my inauguration is going to be the yugest, most glamorous star-studded amazing event ever. All the biggest names are calling me up, begging to perform for me and my supporters!

The lack of big-name acts (with the exception of Toby Keith, fuck him) at this inauguration is a satisfying morsel I cling to as we head into the dystopian nightmarescape. I LOVE IT.