Every time I think “ok, now we are fully aware of just how badly we are screwed” something appears that makes me think “oh, we have no idea just how bad this is going to get.”
Every time I think “ok, now we are fully aware of just how badly we are screwed” something appears that makes me think “oh, we have no idea just how bad this is going to get.”
So what’s the over/under on when kids in school have to start practicing the “earthquake” drill again?
“Trump Determined To Attack United States”
It will certainly be fun to watch all of the spineless, mealy mouthed republicans in congress try to gaslight and explain away what is starting to look more and more like fucking treason.
They elected Trump and now they’re facing the consequences.
I feel like I’m wearing a tin-foil hat here, but here goes: something in the meeting is leading the dems to think Comey himself is compromised at this point.
It is the rebranded kgb
Someone needs to leak this shit ASAP.
Heh. The GOP have long hated the Dems more than the thought of kowtowing to oligarchic warlords or pissing on Reagan’s one strong foreign policy legacy.
Wow, I was already extremely concerned and angry, and I didn’t even get the briefing....
So we on the left are the patriots now and they’re the commie-loving traitors, right? Russia has taken over without firing a single shot and we are now a banana republic, being ruled by a puppet government. I can not comprehend what’s happening, I just can’t.
You better believe I called my Senators and Congressman about this. I wanted to know what specifically they thought about it and reminded them that they are supposed to protect their constituents. While some of my reps don’t sit on committees that directly handle this type of BS, I still urged them to speak out and…
Could someone tell us what the fuck is really going on?
retired general Michael Flynn, a member of the Trump transition team
FSB sure is a funny way to spell KGB.
Don’t worry about living in a poorly written spy novel, one the PEETUS is in power, it’s gonna be be a poorly written casino novel.
Why do you think Trump said ALL of the US Ambassadors had to resign?
Side note: Married people use contraception too. People act like every woman on the pill is a literal prostitute.
Chaffetz seems particularly mad about a series of sarcastic Twitter posts the OGE’s official account sent to Trump in November, mock-congratulating him for deciding to divest himself from his businesses