
Don’t forget Theresa May of the UK. With her the UN Sec Council will be awful and that’s why we have to help France and Germany fight these assholes.

The Guardian has just published a deep dive on the GoldenWatergate dossier author. This doesn’t seem like flippant stuff, and explains why it had the credibility to be presented to Obama.

I can grow outdoor and hydro. Also really good at giving foot rubs.

The Borises (Bori?) needed their Natasha

This far-right populist trend across the western hemisphere is extremely worrying. It’s a really sad fact that the refugee crisis and xenophobia is a large part of this.

I can grow root vegetables, darn socks, and operate a Ham radio

Dare I say: An axis of evil?

Maybe somebody could focus on Putin Le Pen in Trump! Amirite? Who’s with me?

Trump, Putin, Le Pen. That’s an interesting axis of world leaders.

We are all gonna die :(

she’s also got a lot of support from Russia. they don’t want to make it that obvious.

It’s clear everyone involved is lying but it’s not clear exactly why they are lying. Everyone know you all are just a bunch of fascists, why wouldn’t you be working together?

Hopefully it starts off with, “We are sorry. We ignored and were insensitive to the communities who will be targets of an extremely bigoted administration in just a few days. We are sorry, and we accept some responsibility for making a man, who was encouraging White Supremacy, extreme misogyny and anti LGBTQ ideals,

Marie Osmond was my girl crush when I was about 8. Home life was traumatic, school was unremitting hell, and there were no safe spaces. And Marie Osmond just seemed so kind, so sweet, and so good. Sweet, funny, beautiful and kind. I couldn’t give a fig for Donny but Marie was my saving grace.

I remember. It was around the same time that Bravo and A&E were devoted to classy arts programming.

Do you remember when TLC, History, and the Discovery channel were full of educational programming?

Pepperidge Farm Remembers.

I read this wondering if there really is something wrong with him - beyond the narcissism and general evil - because he sounds insane. I don’t mean that in the cruel slur way, I mean he actually sounds like he is unstable. It seems to be getting worse.

I think not only “how can this even be real” but “how do all these people decide to support him in these incoherencies, don’t ever speak out against the clear lunacy of any of it, and then go on to attempt to gaslight the listeners about all of it”.

The press room is going to be three folding chairs each missing a leg, with no power to the room and no handle on the inside of the door.

Well, a CNN reporter tried and got shouted down. I am doubtful Buzzfeed gets Press Room credentials.